
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Detective Work

I was rummaging around a tumblr this morning, when I ran across the following pic:

Yoel by Max G.

Now, I've had this pic in my vast collection for years, but my version did not have the Max Studio on it. I had wondered who the guy was, but without a clue there was no way to find out. Now I had a clue. A Google image search for Max Studio was no help because there's a Max Studio that makes dresses and shoes and whatnot, and another that makes video games. A regular search wasn't much better; too many people think Max Studio is a great name. So, I tried max studio photography. The sixth item to popup was a Model Mayhem page for Max Studio. Go there and the fourth thumb in his portfolio was my man. Whoopee, I'm going to find out who he is. Click on the thumb, then on details, and, Crap! No model name and a caption of Yoel and a location of Buenos Aires. Back to his portfolio where the fifth thumb was the following:

Yoel by Max G.

Same details, but I recognized this guy, whereas I hadn't the first pic. I've got pics of that guy. What's his name? Alonzo, I think. So I do a disk search for Alonzo and I get a hit, but it ain't this guy. I waste some time scrolling through Windows Image Gallery, but I've got thousands of pics and it could take forever. So, what the hell, back to Google. Do an image search for 'alonzo gay porn.' Long-shot, right? The very first guy to pup up was my man, but it's spelled Alonso. Back to disk search for alonso, and up he pops. (One of the places he pops up is in the published folder for this blog: Alonso) He modeled for Young Hot Latinos.


Some of the pics on my computer are in a folder named Paul Alba. Do an image search for that and it turns out that he also modeled for Brazilian Studz.

Paul Alba

So, at long last I've discovered the identity (sort of) of my mystery man. But you know what? None of the pics live up to the promise of that first one. To my eyes anyway. But I got some satisfaction out of solving the mystery.


  1. Regardless of the name (pseudonym), I would agree that this guy in incredibly hot, as in utterly perfect. It's not often that a body this excellent is paired with a truly handsome face.

    I also agree that the first photo is the most compelling, but the others add something too, including his splendid masculine legs. In the first photo, they are concealed by the jeans.

    The shower scene is particularly magnificent, as it shows his chest hair in all its glory. By contrast, in the last photo it appears that his chest was only just beginning to recover from a prior tragic episode of waxing.

  2. Such a hot guy!

    Google Paul Alba, that's his most comon porn name.

    Daniel from Brazil

  3. Hairy chest man ,NICE.


  4. Bro I don't care what your name is but I sure like to get set up with you. I love to replicate in any way I can M 2 M .


  5. Dude, man sure like to trick and treat and reciprocate in any way I can with you bro you are one hot bro

  6. What you will do for sexJune 7, 2018 at 10:36 AM

    Man you are in creditable hot love to roman in that brush and nipple on those teats and travel down that road to that root of manhood


  7. Bro like to do some detective work on you and make it worth for both of us
